Ad Astra was awarded a contract by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) to compile and analyze statistical information on the production potential for renewable electricity in the country, as well as the current global energy demand in the country.
This study included both an analysis of the electricity production sector, as well as the fossil fuel market in the country. The country’s potential for the production of green hydrogen was also reviewed, taking into account the availability of water resources and the potential demand for green hydrogen and PtX hydrogen-derived products.
Specific project tasks included the collection of electricity and fossil fuel demand data from regulating bodies, government agencies and industry chambers. Interactions were held with the main stakeholders and decision makers within these entities, enabled by Ad Astra’s long-standing presence as a pioneer of green hydrogen developments in Costa Rica and Latin America.
Services Provided:
- In-Depth Economic Analysis
- Probability Assessments
- Data Collection and Organization